TESL-0140-E01- Assignment 3: Self-Evaluation
Assignment 3: Self-Evaluation
Your goal for this course:
How are you going to learn it?
How will you know you have achieved it?
How will you demonstrate that you have learned it?
-Learn how to create a good and formal and informal assessments
-Learn when and how assess students
-Learn how to create rubrics and provide feedback
-By research and contacting my PLN
-By completing this course assignments, quizzes and reading assigned readings
-By posting and reviewing my peers’ posts on the discussion form and asking for PLN’s feedback
-By checking my grades and process through the course
-By completing each assignment and reviewing feedback
-By completing assignment 4, which I can use all my learning outcomes in creating a lesson plan
I will try to spend an hour per day on this course
Not Achieved
Not Achieved
Not Achieved
Not Achieved
In order to assess my progress through the course, I would say that I have learned a lot; however,
I still need more time to practice and self learning. I almost reached my goals set; I have learned
how to create informal and formal assessments, learned how to create rubrics (Holistic and
Analytic) and provide feedback. To achieve these goals I tried to do a lot of research and ask for
feedback from my PLN who are my classmates and my ESL teacher friends. I tried to complete all
the assignments and looked for different sources. The course activities and assignments and my
PLN and instructor’s feedback helped me to have a better understanding of the course materials
and resources.
The first subject that we were assigned to was to create a need assessment which is the first step
in assessing students in an ESL classroom. Needs assessment plays an important role in the ESL
classes. The teachers usually give it to the students at the beginning of the class to demonstrate
students' goals and needs. It will help the teacher to provide appropriate materials and tools for
students to help them reach their goals through the course. You can find the need assessment that
In this course, I learned more about Summative and Formative assessment. We were introduced
to formative and summative assessment in TESL 0100- UNIT 8- REFLECTIONS- ESL
ASSESSMENT , But here we had a clear insight about these assessments and learned more
about them. In order to learn more about these assessments, we created a Van Diagram and a
timeline to indicate our learning. While I was working on this activity, I notified that teachers must
have great understanding of their learners and the outcome and the outline of the course. The
teachers should know where and how to assess students in the class. Should it be at the
beginning or at the end or in the middle! You can find our timeline and Van Diagram and my TESL
Another interesting subject in this course was learning about productive and receptive tasks and
how to assess each tasks. As in Unit 3 was mentioned, some teachers find it more challenging to
assess productive skills (speaking and writing), because the teacher cannot control the output.
Some things that the teacher should consider include:
communicative function (do you want students to compare, describe, produce, etc.);
how the students will produce this function (a presentation, a conversation, a short
answer); and
whether the context is formal or informal, real or unreal, at home or at work?
Measuring receptive tasks gives the instructor control over how the student will
demonstrate knowledge and/or learning, so it is important to design an assessment
which does not tax the learner in other ways. Another important factor in assessing students is
know criteria and provide them in a rubric or set of instructions.
I really like this video of test development:
Creating a rubric is one the essential part of an assessment which could be analytic or holistic.
As Webb (2017) mentioned, Holistic rubric looks at big picture (Task performed effectively)
while Analytic rubric looks at details such as Verb tense use, Vocabulary, Eye contact/body
language, Vocal qualities and Structure. In order to develop a rubric, she suggested to start
with a task and then expand the task to rubric by adding criteria from CLB. She mentioned
five steps for that which are:
while Analytic rubric looks at details such as Verb tense use, Vocabulary, Eye contact/body
language, Vocal qualities and Structure. In order to develop a rubric, she suggested to start
with a task and then expand the task to rubric by adding criteria from CLB. She mentioned
five steps for that which are:
1. Decide on task
2. Check revised CLB for similar sample task
3. Check competency area
4. Make list of necessary criteria
5. Set up checklist with criteria / points.
Following these steps will help teachers to create effective rubrics to assess students.
As you remarked, I have learned a lot through this course and still need more to learn.
In order to give myself a total mark, I would give achieved; however, there are some
parts that I need to work on, especially in adapting a lesson and creating assessments
for that. I believe by practicing and learning more about ESL students and ESL classes’
outlines, I would be able to create effective assessments and provide feedback. Putting
this knowledge in a real world task would help me a lot and to achieve this I would try to
find volunteer opportunities to assess me more in teaching process.
Here is the link to my adapted lesson plan:
Assignment 4: Applied Exercise
In order to give myself a total mark, I would give achieved; however, there are some
parts that I need to work on, especially in adapting a lesson and creating assessments
for that. I believe by practicing and learning more about ESL students and ESL classes’
outlines, I would be able to create effective assessments and provide feedback. Putting
this knowledge in a real world task would help me a lot and to achieve this I would try to
find volunteer opportunities to assess me more in teaching process.
Here is the link to my adapted lesson plan:
Assignment 4: Applied Exercise
British Council. (n.d.) Test Development [Video]. Retrieved from
Hamp-Lyons, Liz & East, Martin & Evans, Michael & Liu, Yongcan & Davison, Chris. (2017).
Using Assessment to Promote Learning: Clarifying Constructs, Theories, and Practices.
Georgetown Round Table in Language and Linguistics. Retrieved from
Using Assessment to Promote Learning: Clarifying Constructs, Theories, and Practices.
Georgetown Round Table in Language and Linguistics. Retrieved from
Centre for Canadian Language Benchmarks. (n.d.). Canadian Language Benchmark Support Kit.
Toronto, ON: Centre for Canadian Language Benchmarks. Retrieved from
Toronto, ON: Centre for Canadian Language Benchmarks. Retrieved from
Webb, S. (2017, April) Creating Effective Rubrics. Powerpoint presented at TESL Peel Halton Etobicoke
Conference, 2017, Mississauga, ON. Retrieved from
Conference, 2017, Mississauga, ON. Retrieved from
Seabrook de Vargas, D. and Anderson, L. (2004) "A Needs Assessment Tool for ESL Programming."
Retireved from https://www.norquest.ca/NorquestCollege/media/pdf/educationalresources/NeedsAssessment
Retireved from https://www.norquest.ca/NorquestCollege/media/pdf/educationalresources/NeedsAssessment
Needs Assessment. Retrieved from https://settlement.org/downloads/linc/LCG1to5/p2needsasesmt.pdf
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