TESL 0140- Unit 1- Needs Assessment

Needs assessment plays an important role in the ESL classes. The teachers usually give it to the students at the beginning of the class to demonstrate students' goals and needs. It will help the teacher to provide appropriate materials and tools for students to help them reach their goals through the course.
This needs assessment is for beginner levels ( CLB 1-4). The teacher would ask the students to prioritize the topics they are interested in learning about by giving a number.

Needs Assessment

You need to use English in different places.  Some examples are the bank, the supermarket, and work.
 What do you need English for? What do you want to study in this class?
Look at all of the pictures.  Think about what you need to be able to do.  There are 9 pictures.
Select most important things that you want to learn. Put a check mark.

   Jobs      _______

Education    _______

Emergencies    _______

Transportation _______
 Entertainment _______
Time, Calendar, Phone

City Life     _______

Shopping     _______
Family     _______

Goal Statement

Name: _______________________________________        Date: _____________________

What do you want to do in Canada?

  1. Why are you studying English? Check 3 or 4.

_____ I want to help my children with their homework. http://womenonthefence.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Parent-Child-Homework.jpg
_____ I want to be able to communicate with Canadians. http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/t/group-canadian-business-people-talking-39451762.jpg
_____ I want to go to college or university. http://www.youthincharge.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/university_campus_cartoon.jpg
_____ I want to get a job. http://images.clipartpanda.com/job-clip-art-royalty-free-jobs-clipart-illustration-1055762.jpg
_____ I want a better paying job. http://cliparts.co/cliparts/pT7/AqG/pT7AqGpT9.png
_____ I want to improve my English skills. http://cliparts.co/cliparts/pi5/orx/pi5orxxrT.jpg
_____ I want to open my own business in the future. http://cdn2-b.examiner.com/sites/default/files/styles/image_content_width/hash/7b/ef/New%20Picture%20(2)_2.png?itok=2pcBrZkW
_____ I want to become a Canadian citizen. http://images.all-free-download.com/images/graphiclarge/canadian_flag_3_117840.jpg

_____ I want to be more independent and not have to ask other people to do things for me in English. http://zumbafitnesscenter.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/woman-biz-clipart-1.jpg

_____ I want to buy things and use services. (bus, housing, banking) http://cliparts.co/cliparts/yTk/Kbg/yTkKbg99c.gif

_____ I want to read books and newspapers in English. http://www.clipartlord.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/newspaper2.png http://www.cliparthut.com/clip-arts/9/book-clip-art-9710.jpg

_____ I want to understand my mail. (bills, advertisements, letters) http://images.sharefaith.com/images/3/1214523096923_153/img_large_watermarked.jpg

_____ I have a different reason for studying English. I want to _________________.

Do you study English at home? ________
Do you use a computer at home? ________
Do you speak English outside of class? _______

Seabrook de Vargas, D. and  Anderson, L.  (2004) "A Needs Assessment Tool for ESL Programming." Retireved from https://www.norquest.ca/NorquestCollege/media/pdf/educationalresources/NeedsAssessmentToolAug2004.pdf

All photos are from pixabay.com
