My Lesson Plans

Draft # 1

Here is the link to Assessment and Evaluation course:

Here is the link to my reading and vocabulary lesson plan:

Here is the link to my second lesson plan. (TESL 0100)

In this unit we worked on the lesson plan with one of our classmate. Here is the link to Rupinder and Farideh's lesson plan 1.

We enjoyed working on this together and are looking forward to your feedback.



Listening Lesson Plan

Level: Beginner at a private English school in Iran
Listening focus: It is important to know how to create past tense questions not only in class, but also in the community
Time: 2 hours
       Peer feedback
       Open conversation class

Objective: Students will:
      Learn how to create simple-past tense questions with correct intonation
      Learn how to use signposts in a conversation

Lesson Sequence

Listen to a conversation about driving test
      Ask students to share their experience in getting a driver’s license
      Ask questions about getting a driver’s license like: How many times did they have to do the test or what did they do to pass it?
      Write down new vocabulary and explain them to the students
      Explain past tense questions and intonation
      Ask them to try to make some past tense questions and their intonation

      Start the recording, and then check for main ideas
·         Play the whole recording and ask them to write past tense questions
·         Play it again and ask them to write signposts and new vocabulary
·         Have students to compare the words they have written down with a partner
·         Discuss differences as a class and offer corrective feedback
Post listening:
       Ask general questions about the recording
       Ask students if they recognized the questions’ intonation
       Pair students and ask them to share their notes with each other and have each group to read them to the class
       Pass the script of the recording that they were listening to and listen again
       Ask to highlight the past tense questions and sign posts while listening
       Read the script’s questions to the students and ask them to repeat it with the correct intonation
       While they are in groups ask them to read the script’s questions to each other and provide feedback

       Mention common mistakes to the class
       If a student had a mistake give her/him a corrective feedback at the right moment (do not distract or confuse the student) or after the student has done her/his conversation
       Peer feedback

       Pair students
       Give the students a subject:
        Imagine you are at the bus stop waiting for your bus, and you see one of your classmates there. Ask your classmate about the assigned homework and what your classmate did to complete the assignment. Create a conversation with the past tense questions.
       Ask students to create a dialogue
        Provide students’ rubric for peer assessment, so that they can mark and give feedback to each other
       Have them perform the dialogue that they have created to the class and provide them feedback

Students’ Rubric:
Correct Verb Tenses

Teacher’s Rubric:
Correct Verb Tenses
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 

At the end of the class, introduce some helpful resources to the students so that they can practice listening. You can also send an email with resources’ links to the students. Ask students to find some online listening practice and share them with their classmates.
Provided link:
 Voice of America News (n.d), Let's Learn English,

British Council. (n.d). A framework for planning a listening skills lesson. Retrieved
Voice of America News (September 08, 2016), Let's Learn English Lesson 28: I passed it!, Retrieved from
ABC Education (July 11, 2016). Study English - Series 3, Episode 15: Listening for Signpost Words, [video file], Retrieved from
Wilson, J. J. (2008). How to teach listening. Harlow, Essex: Pearson Education Ltd.


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