Pronunciation Corrective Feedback

This is a conversation between Jenna ( Intermediate level student) and her teacher.
Teacher: Hi, Jenna. In your speaking, I found that you have a problem with pronouncing w sound. Have you ever noticed that?
Jenna: Not really...
Teacher: Could you please read this sentence for me?
Jenna: the Vether (Weather) is good today.
Teacher: so, Jenna did you noticed that?
Jenna: yes!
Teacher: Perfect! As you know W and V sound are different. The W sound is a voiced sound. That means that the vocal cords vibrate when you make that sound. In the English language, we use many voiced sounds.
Jenna: Ehmm...
Teacher: To correctly pronounce the W sound, form your lips into a small, tight circle. It is important to hold your lips correctly. Imagine whistling or blowing out a candle. Use the same shape to form the letter W. Can you try that.
Jenna: woo
Teacher: Sounds great! So your jaw should be mostly closed to make the sound, but your teeth should not touch. Can you say Weather?
Jenna: Vether
Teacher: Ok, not V, W. Say it W. Would you try to form your lips into small circle and say it again.
Jenna: Wveather!
Teacher: Well done Jenna. This is better. Can you say Wash.
Jenna: Wash
Teacher: That's great Jenna. I am really impressed by your ability to learn quickly. so I will give you this paper and would you try to read all these words for me.
Jenna: 1) wow 2) woman 3) wife 4) now 5) flower 6) know 7) sweet 8) win 9) rewind 10) row 11) flow
Teacher: Well done Jenna. You should practice the W sound in front of a mirror to make sure you are holding your lips correctly.
Jenna: sure.
Teacher. Thank you. And if you want to know more and practice at home, I would suggest you to go and check this video W sound. You can also find lots of practices on her YouTube channel . If you have any questions or need help, feel free to ask.
Jenna: Thank you. I will try that.
Teacher: Wish you luck! Have a good day.
