TESL-0160- Unit 2- Teaching Strategies

For this unit, we worked in groups of three to brainstorm a rough lesson plan in a jotform, including ideas for different types of activities.

Context: CLB 2-3, ESL class
Number of students:7
They meet every saturday and sunday for 2 hours in the morning.
Topic: Food

Matching activity
- Have learners complete a worksheet where pictures of fruit are provided on one side and the
names of fruit are provided on the other side.
- Ask learners to draw lines connecting the pictures of fruit with the words that match.
-After they are done, review the answers with them in the form of a class discussion.
Rationale: This activity focuses on reading (i.e. decoding pictures of fruits and their written
forms) and writing skills (i.e. connecting words and pictures), It incorporates recently introduced
vocabulary and helps learners to connect pictures to their written form. It provides a low energy
and interactive activity that learners can work on individually to begin the lesson.

Touch a mystery food

- Review fruit vocabulary with learners.
- Ask students to brainstorm words that describe the textures of fruits.
- Pull out a basket with fruits in it and ask the class for volunteers to identify fruits.
- Have volunteers come up one at a time to pick a fruit with their eyes closed.
- Ask the volunteer to touch the fruit and describe its texture.
- Ask the volunteer to try to identify the fruit based on its texture.
Rationale: This activity focuses on listening (i.e. recalling new words shared in class and
understanding what the teacher is asking) and speaking (i.e. verbally identifying the texture
of fruit and guessing what type of fruit it is.) This an example of an activity that uses realia and
senses. It will help learners to form tactile connections between vocabulary words and physical
fruits to reinforce vocabulary and to better differentiate the fruits. It provides a higher energy and
engaging activity that learners can work on as a class to use physical features to identify and
become more familiar with different fruits.
Word scramble
- Have learners complete a worksheet where the letters from the names of fruits are scrambled.
- Ask learners to unscramble the letters and write the names of each fruit in the corresponding
- Learners can use vocabulary cards or a word bank to refer to for help.
Rationale: This activity focuses on reading (i.e. recognizing the written form of vocabulary words
and their letters) and writing (i.e. writing the letters in the correct order.) It helps students become
more familiar with the spelling of the fruit vocabulary and to draw attention to the order of letters
and their sounds. It provides a low energy activity that learners can work on individually.

Partner activity
- Divide the class into pairs.
- One partner will start as the speaker while the other will start as the listener.
- Ask the speaker to spell the words in a short list while the listener will write the letters that they
hear in the blanks on their piece of paper.
- Ask the learners to switch roles and complete another short list of words.
- At the end of the activity, have the pairs reveal the answers and self-correct.
Rationale: This activity involves speaking (i.e. spelling letters out loud to partners), listening (i.e.
understanding which letters the speaker is saying), reading (i.e. identifying the letters in the words
to dictate to their partner),and writing skills (i.e. knowing and using the written form of letters
appropriately) and it will also help them practice spelling the fruit names. It provides a medium
energy activity that learners can work on with a partner.

Sentence worksheet
- Have learners complete a worksheet about fruits that they do like, do not like or never tried.
- The worksheet asks "Do you like (name of fruit)?" and shows pictures of different fruits beside
each question.
- Learners can write "Yes, I like (name of fruit)" or "No, I do not like (name of fruit)" or “I have not
tried (name of fruit).”
- Learners must use the correct sentence forms.
Rationale: This activity involves reading (i.e. recognizing and understanding simple question and
sentence forms) and writing skills (i.e. writing answers using the correct forms). It would help
learners to express their thoughts about vocabulary words and how to express those thoughts
using English. Learners will write sentences using the appropriate forms to express whether they
like, do not like, or have never tried different fruits. This activity could be used as an assessment to
evaluate whether learners can identify fruit, spell them, and write sentences correctly. It provides
a medium energy activity because it requires using multiple sentence forms and vocabulary at the
same time.
