TESL 0140- Unit 1- Self Evaluation

My learning plan for this course ( Assessment and Evaluation Course):


Your goal for this course:
How are you going to learn it?
How will you know you have achieved it?
How will you demonstrate that you have learned it?
-Learn how to create a good and formal and informal assessments

-Learn when and how assess students

-Learn how to create rubrics and provide feedback

-By research and contacting my PLN

-By completing this course assignments, quizzes and reading assigned readings

-By posting and reviewing my peers’ posts on the discussion form and asking for PLN’s feedback

-By checking my grades and process through the course  

-By completing each assignment and  reviewing feedback

-By completing assignment 4, which I can use all my learning outcomes in creating a lesson plan

I will try to spend an hour per day on this course
