The most interesting part of this unit was teaching methodology and approaches. so why have there been so many language teaching methods?
As we can see through the history of teaching, the foreign language teaching methods
changed a lot of times. In my opinion, there have been so many language teaching
methods due to the needs for finding the best teaching methods so that students get
the most benefit of it. I found a research article which explains the history of  foreign
language teaching methods and its development. "Each method possesses its own
certain importance and answers the specifically set pedagogical tasks e.g. grammar and
textual-translation methods are better suited for grammar material training before tests,
direct methods are more appropriate for language medium immersion and for reconstructing
the real communication situations, visual aids assist to represent visually and to organize
the unknown material. The teaching literature review makes it possible to state that nowadays
there is no an ideal, universal method yet that would enable to cover all the aspects in such a
short time given to the foreign language learning in a technical school. The combination of
the existing methods known and the teacher’s qualification, therefore, enables to make the
lessons interesting and effective"(Kuznetsova, 2015, p.235). Teachers can use the combination
of different methods due to the lesson's purpose and students needs.

Kuznetsova,E. (2015). Evolution of Foreign Language Teaching Methods. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. Retrieved from  http://www.mcser.org/journal/index.php/mjss/article/viewFile/8014/7679
